From Harvest to Markets: Challenges in Achieving Sustainability in Small-Scale Fisheries
Monday, November 14 from 2:30-3:45 pm ET
Drawing on global to local case studies in Mexico, five speakers will explain critical issues for small-scale fisheries, solutions, and innovations to help these fisheries on their road to sustainability and access to markets. We hope by sharing these experiences, we will be able to provide ideas and guidance for others to implement strategies for small-scale fisheries worldwide working towards SDG14b.

Zacari Edwards
Social Responsibility Director, International Pole and Line Foundation
In his current role as IPNLF’s Social Responsibility Director, Zacari leads IPNLF’s work in understanding, enhancing and evidencing the social benefits of one-by-one tuna fisheries. In this role he is responsible for ensuring the socio-economic benefits of one-by-one fisheries can be documented and tracked over time, ensuring that social considerations are integrated into IPNLF’s fisheries development projects, and overseeing IPNLFs efforts to develop and launch their novel Sourcing Transparency Platform (STP).

Ollin González
Fishery Management Coordinator, Niparajá
After earning a Master’s degree in Australia, she returned with great encouragement to apply what she learned in the southern lands.

Andy Hough
Director, Community Catch
Following three years PhD research on crustacean ecology, he has worked in the field of marine research and aquatic ecosystem management for over thirty years, including marine conservation biology, fishery impacts on marine ecosystems, marine and coastal environmental impact assessment and policy development. He is now Director of Community Catch Ltd, applying 25 years of experience of fishery certification to the development of a programme specific to small-scale fisheries. Andrew is particularly responsible for leading the development of the combined social and environmental standard, and evaluation pathways, for small-scale fishers.

Cristina Pita
Principal Researcher and Team Leader, Shaping Sustainable Markets, IIED
Cristina is a specialist in fisheries, with a strong focus on small-scale fisheries, sustainable seafood markets, marine resource management, marine governance and coastal cultural heritage. She takes part on several international committees and international networks. She also integrates the pool of experts in socioeconomic aspects of fisheries for the United Nations World Ocean Assessment (UN-WOAII).

Philippine Wouters
Communications & Marketing Director, International Pole and Line Foundation
Philippine (Flip) Wouters is an entrepreneurial marketing and communications professional with experience in implementing effective strategies and campaigns since 2011. Flip is specialised in positioning and structuring scale-up companies with design & implementation of innovative strategies. Flip started at IPNLF at the beginning of 2020 co-developing the IPNLF Strategic Plan 2020-2025 and helped to shape the Communications & Marketing pillar. She has lead the Comms Team ever since, focussing on internal and external communications.