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CASS Conference Call for Session Proposals

CASS Conference 15th Anniversary Logo

Share your Knowledge at CASS CON: Where connection grows and collaboration sparks.

Waikoloa, Hawaii October 21-24, 2024

Objectifs de la conférence :

  1. Connecter: Faciliter les connexions inter-organisationnelles pour jeter les bases de l'établissement d'une voix et de conseils collectifs et coordonnés sur les questions relatives aux produits de la mer responsables
  2. Collaborer: Fournir un espace où les participants peuvent s'appuyer sur l'expertise et la discussion de groupe pour explorer des solutions qui pourraient être réalisées grâce à des efforts de collaboration à travers notre mouvement
  3. Créer: Create actionable next steps for community progress toward the Alliance’s 2030 Goal

We are excited to open the call for session proposals from Global Hub members for the CASS Conference! Proposals should connect to our event’s goals to connect, collaborate, and create.

Voici les formats disponibles pour les sessions de conférence de cette année :

Breakout Sessions (60 minutes): Breakout Sessions highlight cross-organizational initiatives, global partnerships, and projects that are scalable and designed to benefit the greater sustainable seafood movement. Presentations should demonstrate innovative, forward-thinking on the most critical and timely issues facing our community. We will host between four and six breakout sessions throughout the conference program and speakers can expect 30-50 attendees. Sessions must:

  • Incorporer des conférenciers d’au moins deux organisations distinctes
  • Represent a cross-sector perspective that includes the seafood industry point of view
  • Prévoyez un temps suffisant (min 15 minutes) pour les questions des participants
  • Fournir des étapes claires pour l’action ou l’engagement

Lightning Round Sessions (10 minutes, multiple rounds): Lightning Round Sessions provide attendees with a landscape view of the various projects and efforts underway in the movement and enable presenters to reach a diverse audience quickly. In these brief presentations, speakers can present a call to action; share lessons learned from projects, partners on the ground or in different sectors; or present opportunities to collaborate. Presenters should prepare for un 10-minute presentation and feedback sessions, repeated to a small group of attendees of about 6-12 people each round. 

Networking Roundtables (45 minutes): Networking Roundtables are a space for unstructured, small-group discussions on a particular topic. Submit a topic and serve as a table lead and you’ll guide an informal, lively conversation based on your expertise and excitement that just may unearth a new project idea or collaboration opportunity. You can expect about 6-12 fellow networkers to join your table.

Failfest (45 minutes): Where are you stuck on a problem in your work? New to the CASS Conference program this year, Failfest is an opportunity to share lessons learned from your best project ideas that didn’t go as planned. Allow your colleagues to benefit from the pitfalls you experienced and welcome feedback that just might be what “un-sticks” your efforts.

Please keep in mind:

  • All presenters must be present in person at the CASS Conference. If any of your speakers plan to participate virtually, please note that in your session proposal. Preference will be given to proposals where all speakers will be live and in attendance.
  • We strive to create equitable access to our conference for all, and as such, have kept registration fees as low as possible. We will not be able to cover the cost of conference attendance for session speakers, however, we do have a scholarship program to support those who require financial assistance to attend. Learn more about our scholarship program.

The deadline to submit your session proposal is Thursday, April 3.  The application is on our private Global Hub Online platform, accessible by members only. Please contact with questions.
