Connecting our Global Hub members with the people and information they need to make more progress.

Chris Kastern

Director of Growth


Chris Kastern

Chris Kastern is based in Cape Town and has had an extensive career working on responsible sourcing of seafood and with small-scale fisheries. His work in these fields has spanned almost two decades across three sectors, giving him a unique breadth of experience.

Chris began working as a fish trader in the local South African seafood industry in 2002, dealing predominantly with small-scale fishery catch for ten years. He then moved to WWF South Africa in 2013, where, as Seafood Market Transformation Manager, he led a small team working on building value chain incentives to support marine conservation. Since 2018, Chris has been with ABALOBI ICT4Fisheries as Director of Growth, focussing on engaging with the small-scale fisheries sector from a tech and social enterprise perspective.
