Guidelines for Policy & Advocacy

Policy and advocacy efforts are critical to establishing policies, laws, and requirements to support responsible seafood. These often set minimum expectations for practices, allowing leaders to continue to lead and innovate while others in the sector implement and maintain practices that meet the legal requirements. 

Some members of the Alliance Global Hub lead policy and advocacy efforts, asking companies and NGOs to sign on to letters or send emails to priority stakeholders to inform decisions critical to environmentally and socially responsible seafood. For these groups, the below resource serves as a list of considerations when preparing and sharing policy and advocacy requests. 

Other members of the Alliance Global Hub are the recipients of these asks and need to determine which are a fit for their organization and obtain approval to support the effort publicly. For these groups, this resource serves as a resource to understand how your actions can enable successful outcomes from policy and advocacy efforts. 

The Guidelines for Policy and Advocacy were compiled following two discussions with the Alliance Global Hub and are informed by those most active in creating or supporting policy and advocacy requests.

You can download the Guidelines for Policy & Advocacy below in English (EN).

Download the Guidelines for Policy & Advocacy
