Speaker Center

Welcome Speakers!

We are looking forward to your session at this year’s Alliance Conference. On this page, you’ll find all the information, deadlines, and resources to help you prepare for the event. 


Session Timing

  • The length for all session types is as follows:
    • Breakout sessions – 75 minutes
    • Workshop Sessions – 2 hours
    • Lightning Rounds – 10 minutes each, repeated 4 times
  • Room assignments will be provided by October 1.
  • For breakout sessions, please make sure to reserve at least 15 minutes for audience Q+A.


  • One PowerPoint should be created for each session. All session leads are required to upload their presentation to the folder linked above by October 1. This will allow the onsite audiovisual team to ensure your presentation is correctly set up for your session. 
  • The standard setup in all meeting rooms includes an LCD projector, screen, and microphones (if needed). Please bring your own laptop and any necessary dongles/adapters. 
  • One room will have two-way Spanish-English interpretation services. Please let us know if any of your speakers will require interpretation. 
  • No AV/tech is available for lightning round sessions, however, you may use your own laptop to present to the table.


Session Promotion

Social media is a great way to inform your network about your Alliance Conference presentation. The staff will provide you with promotional materials in July. We will watch for your posts and do our best to re-share them when we can.

Resources for Effective and Impactful Presentations

Please download this brief guide with some resources to help you plan a stellar presentation.
