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Creating Responsible Supply Chains through Due Diligence

Due diligence legislation requires companies around the world to report on their value chain due diligence, improve traceability, and address modern slavery and other illegal activities in commodity supply chains. This session will introduce the concept of due diligence as it relates to traceability and an actor’s ability to avoid seafood that was produced illegally. The presenter will draw from her direct experience applying due diligence in minerals and cotton sectors and illustrate how due diligence can be applied to the seafood sector.

Liz Muller

Liz Muller & Partners

Liz Muller is the principal of Liz Muller & Partners. She and her team help organizations leverage successful models to create a global solution to build a more responsible and sustainable industry. Liz Muller has over 25 years of compliance program development, auditing and responsible supply chain strategy experience. Liz Muller & Partners helps companies and industries develop sourcing strategies and protocols, implement audit programs, train auditors, supply chain actors and brand sourcing teams.
