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New Project Alert! The Vision for Responsible Seafood

The Alliance’s next project, the development of the Vision for Responsible Seafood, has begun! 

When complete, the Vision will present a summary of the challenges and opportunities facing the responsible seafood movement. 

It aims to:

  • Identify the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that can be influenced by seafood production, and ensure the responsible seafood movement contributes toward their achievement. 
  • Align diverse stakeholders within the responsible seafood movement with other global efforts through a common lexicon and set of goals,
  • Identify the challenges and opportunities particular to seafood production and supply chains for each UN SDG, and
  • Serve as the foundation of future Alliance work.

Like the Guidelines for Supporting Fishery Improvement Projects work before it, this work is being led by a diverse Working Group of Global Hub members:

  • Nicole Condon (Marine Stewardship Council)
  • Caroline Ferguson (Independent Academic)
  • Gabrielle Lout (Ocean Outcomes)
  • Arlene Nietes Satapornvanit (Genderaquafish)
  • Trini Pratiwi (ASIC)
  • Jenny Slafkosky (Bon Appetit Management Company)
  • Ryo Takahashi (Seafood Legacy)
  • Javier Van Cauwelaert (SmartFish Inc.)
  • Lena Weiss (Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life, New England Aquarium)

Community members will have their first opportunity to see and comment on the draft Vision document during this year’s Annual Conference. Click here to register for the Annual Conference and share your input and learn more about the project here!

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