Ursula Ormeño

Seafood Programs Director

Future of Fish Peru

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Ursula is the Seafood Programs Director at Future of Fish – Peru. She is a Fishery Engineer from the National Agrarian University La Molina (UNALM – Peru), has a Master’s degree in Business Administration with a concentration on Sustainable Development from INCAE – Costa Rica, and has achieved as well other mentions in related subjects along her trajectory. Ursula has over 20 years of experience working in the artisanal fisheries and aquaculture sector. She has worked in private and public institutions, mainly in northern Peru, where she lives. In recent years, she has been more involved in the responsible inclusion of technology and innovation throughout the value chain to increase productivity and competitiveness in the sector. Also, promoting financial education and inclusion for artisanal fishers and contributing to reducing gaps in commercialization. She is committed to the sustainability of the oceans, the reassessment of artisanal fishing resources, responsible fishing and consumption, and fishing communities’ development.
