Conservation International has signed on to be the first NGO Annual Sponsor of the Conservation Alliance for Seafood Solutions (the Alliance), reconfirming their commitment to collective action to accelerate solutions and change in the responsible seafood movement.
The Alliance is a global community representing over 100 organizations across 22 countries working together to improve the sustainability and responsibility of seafood supply chains. Conservation International’s Jack Kittinger has served on the Alliance Board for four years, including serving as Board Chair through the Alliance’s recent strategic planning process.
“The Alliance is positioned to create large-scale change through its collaborative approach, which includes ensuring equitable opportunities for participation by stakeholders around the world,” said Kittinger. “The inclusion of these diverse perspectives will result in stronger, more comprehensive solutions for the movement.”
The Alliance’s inclusive efforts include creating the home for the intersectional conversation about environmental sustainability and social responsibility in seafood.
“True environmental sustainability cannot be achieved without social justice and labor and human rights protections,” said Kittinger, who co-authored the Monterey Framework, a collectively agreed-upon definition of socially responsible seafood. “We are hopeful more social-focused organizations will join the Alliance community to strategize with environmental sustainability practitioners. Aligning requests made of governments and businesses will transform industry practices to benefit workers and communities.”
For more information about Alliance sponsorship and participation opportunities, please contact Meaghan@solutionsforseafood.org or click here.